Sponsored Riders

Walter Berger
The Trading Stables is proud to introduce our first sponsored rider Walter Berger and Feldale Griffin
I started my riding career hacking just on trail rides in my late-twenties, so am a late comer to the sport in relative terms. This led to having my own horse and all that came with it. I usually compete in HRCAV and some EA competitions in my chosen discipline of Horse trials, which of course means also dressage and show jumping. My first unicorn was Jarrah, a Standardbred, with whom we got to HRCAV Level 2 in all disciplines and competed successfully in Level 1 dressage. This led to Compadre (Occy to this friends), a three quarter Holsteiner. In the 21 years I have had the privilege to partner with him we were close to Level 1, but his legs decided that he would be retired from competition a few years ago. Unicorn number 3 is Feldale Griffin (Griffin), whom I found after a long search. He is the best horse to work with and always tries his hardest for me and we hope to progress up the Levels. I also have a few other equine related qualifications and run a small boutique Equestrian property in what’s left of my spare time.

Upper Yarra Dressage and Combined Training
The Trading Stables is so proud of our sponsored rider, Walter Berger who was out competing again last weekend at Upper Yarra Dressage and Combined Training - coming home with a 4th place in dressage and a 1st place in combined training!
Well done Walter & Griff!! Keep up the great work guys!

"Picking up Griffin and mine top 10 Combined Training sash at the HRCAV 40th anniversary dinner and presentation evening tonight. Thanks Saddle-Up Chirnside Parkand Trading StablesAnd thanks to Deb Van Iersel and partner Owen for being there as a fellow HRCAV member and Team Trading Stables member. #teamtradingstables"

Deb Van Iersel
The Trading Stables is proud to introduce our second sponsored rider Deb Van Iersel
"Firstly, it is very exciting to be supported by The Trading Stables, I feel very honoured and lucky to be working with Bronwyn and the team.Although we have been stuck in lockdown on and off with the weather testing our patience at times, I am really looking forward to this season and setting out some plans and goals for the horses. I started my riding around the age of 9—10, my first riding horse was Apollo who was aged but a gentleman who gave me the basics. I then moved on to my little rocket Red. He was young but we did everything together, Shows, Pony Club, trail riding and beach rides as I came from the Mornington Peninsula originally and we rode our horses everywhere. My next horse my parents purchased was an 18mth old unbroken Grey Anglo Arab and as a teenager I was so lucky to start a new horse from scratch. Come Along was with me into my late 30’s and we did it all. I absolutely owe everything to him for what he taught me and in his late teens we joined EA he made it to Elementary Dressage. He had never Jumped but he also took me to Level 2 CT and HT and was rarely unplaced.I have had a few horses since then, one of them some of you might remember. I rode the gentle giant Avoca Rubicon who was 17hh and I am a tiny 4’11. This horse was amazing I purchased him as a weanling and he is now 23 and retired. We did absolutely everything together EA and HRCAV. 20 years ago I completed my EA NCAS Level 1 General however, I’m not teaching so much these days as I am so busy with a trio of horses. I am also an HRCAV Judge, which I thoroughly enjoy. Currently I am riding ReynVan Remembrance, a warmblood mare that I bred and trained. She is currently EA Prem/Novice and Level 2 HRCAV. I also have a OTT (Noneofus) ReynVan Colnago ( pictured below ) that I got off the track as a 2 yo. He is an absolute GEM and although still learning the ropes he loves Show Jumping, Horse Trials and is a really calm and beautiful little Dressage horse.Last but not least, my beautiful Maitea. She is Pure Spanish Andalusian that I also purchased as a weanling. Notice the theme here, I like the blank canvas. I was lucky enough to go to Portugal and ride, came home and said I want a PRE. I found Maitea a year or so later, but unfortunately since she was broken in Maitea has been the one caught in the COVID whirl so she has missed all the comps. This year is her year, she will start competing in Dressage in around March/April and I can’t wait to get this horse out and about as she is so much fun.Horse riding is my passion and sport but not my career, I work as a Trainer in Health Care at Monash Health so times have been exceptionally busy the last 2 years but, I can’t wait to get back into competition environment.
Go Team Trading Stables, exciting times ahead!"